Chaos-Peace, Grief-Joy, Calamity-Grace, Darkness-Light

What Is the Title Saying? Alternative Realities?

In this crazy, upside-down world of 2023, we may face chaos, grief, calamity, and the darkness of evil. The Bible tells us we will: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,” (John 16:33 NIV). Yet, God doesn’t desert us. That same verse begins by saying, “I have told you these things so that in ME you may have peace.” Can we also taste God’s inner peace, joy, grace, and light in our troubles? Impossible you may think, but Jesus promises us it is true.

The Presence of God in the Darkness of Grief

As a person who has walked through some pain, both emotional and physical, I can testify to the presence of God even in the gravest of my calamities. As I wrestled with the pain of grief and loss, “God showed up.” Unmistakeably! I realize such a phrase sounds trite when referring to an Almighty God, Creator of ALL! It is an amazing spiritual dimension, not unlike living in alternative universes at once. When I thought I could not go on, I felt God’s presence and encouragement to take one more step.

God Still Had a Plan for Me

Through people, scripture, song lyrics, and even in the silent darkness of my grief, God reminded me He had good plans for my life. “‘I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope,“‘ (Jeremiah 29:11 NASB). I didn’t know the future, but God did. I could trust God in my plight to take another step, to live another day. Did I feel “merry”? Not at all. I wept through the first Christmas I was alone. I did not want to attend any parties with friends. I mourned. I grieved. I was miserable. BUT …

God Was with Me

Did I know I was loved? Yes. God assured me He was with me. The One who knit me in my mother’s womb, who knew me better than I knew myself was beside me. The 23rd Psalm I learned as a child became real: “Even though I walk through the valley of the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me ….,” (Psalm 23:4-5 NIV). I started running to give an outlet to my emotional pain. Because I was a working mom, I ran at night. (Not smart, I know.) When everything around me shifted, giving me no sense of security or future hope, God whispered His love to me. What had once been “knowledge” of my faith, became the assurance of my faith in a very real God.

Lazurus, Job, Moses, Peter, and So Many More

In Proverbs 13:12 (NASB): “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”  God shows us many instances of desire fulfilled after loss of hope in the Bible. One time, He even raised a dead man back to life! Talk about God showing up! The family had been grieving the death of their loved one, Lazurus when they had hoped Jesus would heal him, but no. Jesus came too late. Instead, Jesus raised Lazurus to life.

Of course, the book of Job tells the story of much loss, but then … healing and even prosperity came again.

Moses had given up on his dreams as he labored on the back side of the desert instead of enjoying the lifestyle of the King’s son. Then, God shows up and speaks to him through a burning bush that was not extinguishable. Suddenly, he was being called out for a God-sized purpose.

Peter was under arrest by King Herod while the believers in a home church prayed for him. Lo and behold, an angel visited the prison cell and he was miraculously set free.

Christmas Reminders of Hope, Peace, Joy, and God’s Beautiful Grace – No Matter What

Why am I sharing these miraculous events and discussing deep, dark losses on the cusp of our Christmas celebration? I do so because I know many people are struggling right now: finances, job loss, relationship fractures, children at odds with parents, a broken justice system, the turning of America away from God and His will, the evil we saw in Israel, and on and on. You may or may not be feeling the personal impact of some of these things, but at some point, some day, you may.

Here’s what I want you to remember. God is waiting for us to reach out for Him, for His whispers of love, His answers to prayers, His presence in the dark nights of the soul when we feel so alone. We can have peace, hope, grace enough to walk through the fires, and even a sense of joy as a child of God. James 4:8 reminds us to draw near to God, and He will draw near to us. He is waiting to take your hand now. He will lift you up and give you a future. Jesus came to Earth so we could have this awesome relationship with the God of the  Universe as forgiven and cherished “children.” Unbelievable! Yet TRUE.

Draw near to the Lord and tell Him you are ready for Him to take your hand. He will lead you into your hope and purpose.


Here is a new Michael W. Smith Christmas song. Give it a listen!



Walking Hand in Hand with Our Father

unrecognizable black father with son holding hands on city road
Photo by Anete Lusina on

The Hand of the Father

I recently saw the movie, The Sound of Freedom. The drama is based on a true story of a man who worked for Homeland Security capturing the “bad guys” who were trafficking children. But, he couldn’t leave it there after learning of a particular young boy and girl who had been stolen from their loving father’s care through a ruse. The real-life hero ends up rescuing many children who had been trafficked, even at the expense of his job. Those sweet kids were eventually reunited with their good earthly father. If you haven’t seen this important movie, and you can deal with reality, I suggest you go. Share it with others too.

America’s Sad Role in Trafficking Children

Sadly, did you know the United States is the recipient of the largest number of children BOUGHT and SOLD into SLAVERY? These young innocents are trapped in a life time of slavery where their hearts, minds, and bodies are abused daily. Right here in our land of the free! I can only imagine how desperate and hopeless they must feel.

Realizing how America as a nation is complicit in this sex trafficking should move us all to speak and act.

Through my tears at the movie, I remembered my “safe” childhood and I prayed for all the children across the globe who are not. I realize in speaking to this unspeakable reality that some who read this may have been abused without being trafficked. Your pain was real, and was inescapable at the time.

Trafficked and abused kids need advocates. They need us to step in and free them from slavery as real as the slavery of the 1800s. They also need to know they have a Father in Heaven who will never leave them.

Hands of Love

In my childhood, my daddy was my hero–as it should be, for all children, if we lived in the world God intended, not one wracked with sin. Was my father a perfect example of an amazing, most godly man? Not entirely. Yet, he was my hero and I never suffered abuse. He loved me unconditionally, and supported me throughout my life. I always knew I could count on him. He was trustworthy. When I hurt, he comforted me, and yes, he took my small hand in his large one so many times.

Reminded of comfort, the other day I was exhausted from caregiving our senior “pup.” I decided to lay down in the afternoon to catch up on lost sleep. My bedroom was darkened, the fan was going, and soothing Christian music played on my phone. I had a flashback to my childhood.


On hot summer days, before the era of home air conditioning (imagine that), my mom would spread an old, but silky comforter on the floor with an oscillating fan blowing nearby. That’s where I was to nap. I recalled the feeling of being loved and SAFE laying on Mom’s blue comforter with the fan blowing back and forth. Such a tender memory.

Of course, my desire is for ALL children to feel safe and loved. May we get laws changed to halt this disturbing destruction of God’s children. As the line in the movie states, “God’s children are not for sale.”

God’s Hand in Mine

In my lifetime, I have experienced disappointment and tragedy like most of us have in one form or another. In those difficult days, I wondered what my next step would be when everything I knew and loved was gone. “But God….”

As a younger woman, I ran at night to escape my emotional pain and to help me find sleep. At my lowest moments, with no other source to lift my pain, I felt the presence of God Almighty. Unmistakeably, God took my hand. I was not running alone. He was with me and I knew it with certainty.

Max Lucado, prolific Christian author and teacher, wrote: “But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it and not the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”

When my earthly father took my little hand in his enormous one, I knew I was not alone and he would see me through. Just as my dad provided for his little girl, my Perfect Father in Heaven takes my hand even today. Through the thick and thin of this ever-darkening world, I know He will not forsake or leave me.

Or you —

Believing and Grieving

Finding Hope Even in Grief

When our hearts ache at loss, injustice, disease or betrayal, how can we experience joy? Is it impossible? For me the words of Matthew 28:6 hold the ultimate answer. For those who agree, please read on. I find this truth valuable for those searching for answers, and for those of us who have chosen to believe in Jesus Christ.

Some religions offer good advice and positive principles. Many (though not all) teach kindness and love. Jesus Christ taught and modeled the attributes he called spiritual fruit, the results of becoming “better people” as we trust and yield our sinful ways to God. Yes, Christians also believe in goodness, kindness, love, patience, gentleness, and self-control among many other attributes. To be sure, the Bible is a wealth of truth a person can spend a lifetime learning how to apply. Yet there is one major distinction between other faiths and Christianity.

Only Jesus Has Risen from the Dead

No other faith has a solution for the inevitable gap between a Holy God and sinful humanity! Christianity is set apart from all other religious faiths for this reason: Jesus is the only human (God-man) to have died and risen from the grave. This gift of Jesus’s sacrifice creates a bridge so we can have relationship with a perfect God.


I have HOPE because Earth is not my forever home! This makes me smile even writing it now. Ever since Satan (Lucifer) defied God, in a foolish attempted-coup, Earth has been plagued with his evil influence. Scripture tells us this will be so until Jesus Christ returns to gather his believers. We have the promise that in Heaven there will be no evil. No more tears. No more sorrow. No more disease. NO MORE DEATH!

We Are Not Defenseless.

As one who believes in the resurrection of Christ, can I thrive in the chaos here on Earth? Or just survive? In Romans 15:13, it declares we can have hope here and now. God did not abandon us or leave us alone in this swamp. I’m not suggesting we won’t have times of sorrow, disappointment, or grief. But, God didn’t abandon us either.

Tools for living in victory include the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, given to us after Jesus returned to Heaven. The Holy Spirit lives in me. Yes, God in me, not to be confused with me being God, or even a little “g” god. God imparts his spirit for my blessing, for my understanding, so I can grow in my likeness of Christ.

We have also been given spiritual armor (Ephesians 6) so we can withstand the spiritual war we face with our enemy, Satan. There is nothing he can do to destroy us when we wear our shield of faith and use our sword of the Spirit (words of truth from Scripture). Turn to Ephesians 6:10-18, and learn the ways God has provided for us. Do not neglect to put on your spiritual protection to face the challenges of each new day. Read the Bible, pray daily, keep your mind focused on God, not man, and stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel!

SO … “May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.” (Romans 15:13)



Photo by Jill Wellington on


Don’t you love the idea of turning to a new chapter in your life story? It’s a new beginning for everyone as we rolled in 2023–our nation, our states, our cities, families and you personally. In Lamentations 3:22-23, we are reminded of God’s compassion. It goes on to say his compassions are new every morning. Breathe that in and let it settle over your troubles. The final statement is “great is your faithfulness.”


Therefore, knowing we have a God who cares about us so deeply, we can trust and look with expectation to the future. I see strife and confusion. He sees order, purpose, and a future outcome we cannot.


In Isaiah 41:13 (MSG), I read, “I, your GOD, have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go. I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic. I’m right here to help you.” I am thankful I have a God to turn to when life gets confusing, or as a friend says, “when life gets ‘lifey.'”

A biblical scene – of Jesus Christ landing a hand for help with the sun shining near his face


I have been locked out of my newsletter email site since way before Christmas! If you follow me on both the blog and the newsletter, I do hope to return. However, I traded in my phone in November, and the two-factor authenticator device has now locked me out. Dare I mention how this email platform does not have tech support, and especially during the Christmas and New Year holiday? I was disappointed and had no way to reach those followers of my newsletter. My contact list is not available to me except through this blog platform. I’m still waiting for someone to HELP! Praying about all of that!


I wanted to say “HAPPY NEW YEAR” and tell you why I had not written.

May God bless you all in this new season of life!

With love,


Christmas Peace – Attainable or Not?

Silent Night. Holy Night. All is calm. All is bright.

Christmas peace? Have you figured out how to attain peace in the flurry of America’s holiday? Most people I know are racing the clock trying to get their to-do list done! Check. Check. Check. Food planning, shopping, and preparing is a top consumer of our energies. But, then, sadly, we have many who are not even sure if they will have food to eat or where they will lay their heads. Our attention is drawn to their needs as well. We also have the special events to add to our calendars. All good.

But, many folks are tired, while praying to experience a few “Hallmark moments” with their families and friends before all is done. How do we lay hold of this Christmas Peace? Is it even possible … ?

Was the First Christmas Silent?

Thinking on a descriptor of the historic first Christmas, the word “silent” might be a stretch. Without doubt, it was a holy scene as the newborn Christ child entered our world. Who would have imagined God would send his Son in the form of a human baby?

But, when the angels sang the night Jesus was born, they boldly proclaimed the good news from the starlit skies. In addition, it was probably not silent as Mary delivered God’s son. There were birth pangs. Her body was fully human as was the child she carried. She no doubt cried. Baby Jesus must have cried with his first breaths to exercise and clear his lungs. Were the animals so dumbstruck they stood without a single moooo or baaaa? Not likely.

“Silent Night” Calls My Seeking Heart

What does your heart yearn for? What does my heart seek? I long for God’s presence in my busyness. I hunger for those moments when my heart is undistracted. God calls me to sit with him and listen. He desires me to know His peace, the one that passes all human understanding, (Philippians 4:7).

Therefore, in reflecting on the reason my favorite church service is Christmas Eve, I believe it reveals my heartfelt desire. Christmas eve (as celebrated in my church) reveals my quest for peace. As we sing “Silent Night,” candles flicker, illuminating the sanctuary with a soft light. Everyone’s face is aglow. The familiar Carol resonates in its simple truth as we give thanks to God for His wonderful gift of Christ.

“Silent Night” – a Glimpse of “Heavenly Peace”

This “Silent Night Moment” is a glimpse of God’s greatest gift – his presence in the midst of it all. On a personal level, my life can get over-booked and over-committed. Necessary responsibilities remind me of all that is yet undone on “my lists.” I don’t see much peace in our chaotic world.

However, it is not SILENCE I crave. It is God’s PEACE. The definition of peace is “a state of tranquility or quiet.” It is God with us — Immanuel! “Sleep in heavenly peace …” the refrain sings out.

My Prayer for You

This Christmas I send my prayers for you to embrace this beautiful peace God has for each of us. Think on the wonderful gift of Jesus, and how He is WITH you whenever and wherever you are.

May He lift your burdens as scripture says in Matthew 11:28-30: “I will give you rest.” What a promise to our world-weary hearts. Merry Christmas and peace to you in this holy season.

Until we meet again …

Listen and watch this beautiful music video to calm your spirit.

DECEMBER 3rd – International Day of People with Disabilities: EVERYBODY DANCE DOCUMENTARY

Dan Watt and His Creative Project

I am excited to share a creative venture, not mine, but a filmmaker named Dan Watt from Los Angeles, CA. Dan found me through some writing I had done for, a faith and family site for reviews of today’s media. Dan was always fascinated by true stories and desired to see how the determination, dedication and commitment to studying the arts could be applied to everyday life. I was drawn to Dan’s project because I believe in inclusion and the positive impact it makes. I have two beautiful grandchildren in my life who have grown in incredible ways through their studies and pursuits in the area of dance.

Dan’s Story

As a former dancer and dance teacher, Dan had a dream about two girls he taught a number of years ago. The girls both had autism, but other than relying on their mother’s input regarding a sensitivity to touch, he used very similar teaching techniques. Then Dan met an amazing teacher named Bonnie who owns All Kids Dance Studio. It’s an all-inclusive dance program to teach children with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and more, alongside typical students. He realized this story needed to be shared with the world. Dan wanted these stories to come to light so he took a leap of faith to produce and direct a documentary about this topic.

Providentially Equipped

Dan worked for five years at Columbia Pictures in development and then worked with SYCO, Simon Cowell’s production company as the coordinator for his scripted, TV, and film department. Now he has taken the leap to become an Independent Producer. Everybody Dance, once a mere seed of an idea, is a reality. It has already received five stars and a ribbon from Common Sense Media who reviews films for families. []

Everybody Dance – Family Friendly Documentary

EVERYBODY DANCE is a touching and uplifting documentary about the power of artistic expression and why we all benefit from opportunities to learn an art form. Everybody Dance offers information about disability and neurodiversity that may encourage empathy for some viewers and provides a lot of food for thought about a wide range of subjects like arts education and being a more inclusive culture. In this film you can follow five kids, their families, and teacher on their journey through life as they prepare for their dance recital. Here is the link to the movie trailer:

Where to Watch Everybody Dance

This documentary is appropriate for the whole family. It is streaming on Prime Video, Apple TV, iTunes, Vimeo, and Google Play. To learn more about the film and these amazing kids, follow @EverybodyDANCEdoc on Instagram and @EverybodyDANCEdoc on Twitter.

Let’s CELEBRATE and raise awareness of the disability community. Inclusion is important and you’ll see the children blossom before your eyes. Contact Dan at

Can You Live in the World as a Christian without it Overpowering You? Does it Matter?

Good seeds or “weeds”?

Weeds in your flowers or grass? Oh, my goodness! Do I ever know. I transplanted this beautiful decorative grass a year ago along with some of its “brothers and sisters.” But, look what happened? It must have had weeds sown into the dirt when I moved it. I kept pulling the weeds out as they emerged for awhile. But, unlike the other plants, this one soon became engulfed. Now I cannot pull up the weeds without destroying the plant with them. Hmmm … I think there is a Bible truth in there. Remember it?

Matthew 13:24 “The Good Seed” Parable

Indeed, Jesus taught about the wheat and the tares (weeds). Jesus often told parables (stories) to help us understand the truths he taught. In Matthew13:24, he tells a story about a farmer who planted “good seed” with diligence. Yet, his enemy sowed thistles in the wheat at night. When this was discovered, the farmhands asked about weeding the thistles out, but they were told no. If the weeds or thistles were pulled up, the wheat could be pulled up too. The farmer explained how things would be rectified at harvest with the thistles being bundled up for the fire while the wheat would be gathered for its good purpose.

As I reread this story and thought about my ugly ornamental grass, I was reminded of my own life, my “story.” It is being read by those around me daily. If I am not careful, I may let “weeds” grow thick. What I mean is, I can take on the appearance and sounds of those who do not follow Jesus Christ. I can choose to live without spiritual “fruit” (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control — Galatians 5:22-23) while still believing Christ is the Son of God. Or can I?

Why does it matter? Aren’t we forgiven?

I might believe it doesn’t matter, especially if my choices (sins) are unintentional. “Oops! I didn’t mean to!” I know none of us are perfect and I am here to declare I am not! I could believe no one would dare cast stones because we all are vulnerable to do things which are contrary to God’s plans. God’s love and forgiveness are handed to us as gifts of his mercy, undeserved favor. All true.

The Book of Hebrews

Hebrews is an eye-opener for those who think their life choices don’t matter. God has something better for us. He is the better sacrifice for our errors, our sins, our willful ways unlike the sacrifices the Hebrews had to make under the codes of biblical law. With such a wonderful God-sent gift, how can we strike out on our own to make deliberate, ongoing choices contrary to God’s best? I know I don’t want to be one who received the knowledge of truth, but deliberately goes on sinning. Someday I’ll stand before Jesus and will have my life play before my eyes at the judgment. I don’t want to disappoint him. I want to hear him say, “Well done!” Even though I know we have a loving, forgiving God, He is also just.

Therefore … draw near.

Therefore, let’s stir one another to love and good works, encouraging one another as we wait for the Day of His return. (Hebrews 10) I can’t wait to see God’s justice return to our world. I can’t wait for the returning Christ who comes to take up his children once and for all. Be encouraged. He loves you and wants you to draw near even now as we wait for the promise. (James 4:8)

usa flag on gray metal pole


Debbie Wilson framed our upcoming election in concrete and understandable terms. I just returned from a family wedding trip, so I haven’t posted my own thoughts this month. With permission, I share this from a reputable Bible teacher and author. I hope you are stirred to action, and please share it on, directing people to Debbie’s Blog.

God bless, and please vote!

american flags and pins on white background
Photo by cottonbro on
view of a beautiful sunset

What Makes a Friend a Friend?

Photo by Saeid Anvar on

Losing a Close Friend Is Not Easy

A few weeks ago I had been inspired to write on God’s faithful love to pursue us no matter what we do or wherever we go. But life happened, as they say, and now I must write from a new perspective.

“This” happened: We lost a very close friend–sooner than we thought we would. At our mature ages, loss happens more often than we’d like. I have found we must hold close what we have while we have it, yet freely release our loved ones into God’s hands when it’s time. This is not profound, but it can be forgotten in our hectic daily responsibilities. So simple. So true. Yet so often forgotten.

Loss can happen anytime, but sometimes it catches us by surprise. Even when we expect someone may beat us to Heaven, the loss for our day-to-day living remains. It can hurt even when we know our dear one is rejoicing, healed and whole, in Heaven.

Acquaintances come and go in our lives, but friends are different. I believe most people realize how friendships enrich our lives. I pray you have had the joy of knowing at least one true friendship in your lifetime and maybe many more.

Yet we are mortal, and we don’t always have the privilege of living all of our days with a dear friend, who sticks “closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 promises our true friends do not leave us, even in difficult times. This kind of friendship comes with a commitment and an agape love — higher than human friendship based on common interests. Also, in Proverbs 17:17, we read how a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. The only way this can be true is when the relationship is Christ-centered, not based on a common interest. Why? Our interests and desires will change over time and then friends often drift apart.

What exactly is a friend? I’ve pondered my friendships as I look back over the years. Some elements remain the same. When I was little, I played and laughed and sometimes even cried with my best friends. When I became a teenager, I also played and laughed and sometimes cried with my friends. Oh, yes, we did experience emotional bonding in those days.

Photo by on

As a mature adult, my friends share more in common with me than how well we “play” together. Sometimes that means we have common interests or hobbies, but that is not the glue that binds us. The truest of my friends and I share a similar worldview. That also means our motives are similar, which tends to drive our choices in life.

A true friend will love in all situations, even if it means having that difficult talk–the “speaking the truth in love” talk (Ephesians 4:15)–perhaps the you-have-strayed-from-God’s-path-talk. Even when we don’t share the same joys and interests, we hold fast to even more vital, eternal perspectives. When the love of God is a part of this friend equation, then we can experience true Christian fellowship, even in adversity.

Our dear friend, Wayne Parrish, was an overall “good person,” but that’s not why we were friends. He was not perfect, any more than the rest of us. However, we had the privilege of sharing life from its highs to its lows, from the most enjoyable times to the direst of circumstances. We shared our faith in Christ, which was the glue that held our friendship together. We laughed, we loved, we respected one another. His passing will leave an empty place in our lives. Thank God we have memories of all the times we shared, and a present joy for his eternal reward in Heaven. I have no doubt he is worshipping his Lord and Savior now and is fully healed with a heavenly body. I can’t wait to join him one day. What a grand reunion it will be.

If we can learn anything from this little post, it would be to never take a single day for granted. Cherish life, serve those God puts in our paths, and never miss the opportunity to tell someone you love them.

May the Lord bless you week ahead, and show you who He has given you to cherish daily.

Rewriting Truth, Revising History: Scripture through the Lens of Communism

I am the way, the truth, and the life Bible text from John 14:6, the Bible. Visual effects to emphasize the message. Macro
A well known psalm on a page in the Christian Bible. A light pink daisy is in the upper right corner.

Imagine a World Where Truth Has Been Replaced

The eeriness of deception and distrust is unsettling at best. Who can we trust? Who do we believe? Many years ago, I had a young friend who spent the summer as a language student in what was then-communist Soviet Union. Her emotional reserves were stretched, and by the time she returned to the United States, she needed time to reflect, pray, and regroup. What hit her the hardest was the deception – everywhere. She recalled how you couldn’t believe anyone. If you chose to trust someone, they might be masquarading as a “friend” while operating under the guise of the KGB, the main security agency.

China Rewrites the Christian Bible – Replacing Truth

Today the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has a stranglehold on Christian believers. They must believe there is something powerful about our Bible. I agree. It is a powerful gift God has given his children, filled with truth, inspired teaching, and foundational principles. Why else would the CCP tackle a ten-year project to REWRITE scripture “through the lense of Communism”? Hmmm. They know how revising the words will change the original intent, and ultimately control what people believe. Interesting. Many Chinese Christians are working on memorizing scripture in order to guard against this attack on God’s truths. It is their only hope against such a diabolical intrusion into their faith. What will happen after another generation or two if truth is truly left behind. “Lord, Jesus, Come.”

America’s Shaky Footing – Do We Know the Truth?

Not long ago, I had the privilege of hearing the author and social critic Os Guinness. He compared the condition of America’s spiritual “soul” to that of Europe’s. Having immigrated to America from Great Britain, Mr. Guinness knows the condition of Christianity in Western Europe. The light of Christ has been flickering dimly in that region for a few years now. Once active sites of worship sit like museum pieces. Beautiful and majestic pieces of architecture dot their landscape, once built to honor and glorify a magnificent all-powerful Creator God. Now they are open for tours so people can enjoy the beauty of their statuary, stained glass, and amazing architecture. Mr. Guinness believes America is following in their footsteps. I believe we are.

You may wonder what could be a concern here in America. We have Bibles everywhere in America. Many homes have multiple Bibles in them. What good is truth if it is unread, unabsorbed, and unapplied? Are young Americans reading the Bible and teaching the profound truths God has conveyed to their children? Today’s young families are often trapped in a whirlygig life with two parents working and important children’s pursuits scheduled even on the weekends. Many do not take time for church. They live a breathless pace barely having time enough time to refuel and sleep – living the basics.

In the Absence of Truth, What’s Next for America?

We can watch as the media pummels the airways with half-truths and slanted pieces of information. The cultural ideologues tell us what we once thought was uncontroversial is wrong. Once respected values (like the Ten Commandments) had been accepted by our social structure. Today the beliefs that Creator God values human life, that people were made in God’s image (unlike the animals) is not held by many. Now everything “traditional” is brought into question. \

A west coast school district has recently revealed a curriculum to teach youngsters how people who say there are only two categories of gender, boys and girls, are just wrong. The curriculum states there are many options. Whatever you feel like being should be regarded as true, and if we “sort” people by male and female biological factors, we are discriminatory.

Therefore, I must ask, will our children know the truths and values God has revealed in Scripture? Even if we have Bibles sitting all over our bookshelves, if they are unopened, the truth will not be revealed. America will be no better off than China whose people will soon be reading biblically distorted teachings.


If you believe God has revealed standards for living, you need to make certain you don’t blissfully ignore them. This is the era Jesus warned about … wrong will be called right, and right will be called wrong. Don’t let your light be hidden, but speak into this darkness. Study and show yourselves approved. Boldly contest the foolishness of those who mock biblical truth.

I pray our next generations will know there is a God, and there is such a thing as TRUTH.

BE the light in this dark world.